"Программирование" - журналы и газеты жанра. Страница - 87

Flask Web Development: Developing Web Applications with Python by Miguel Grinberg
Flask Web Development: Developing Web Applications with Python by Miguel Grinberg
Flask Web Development: Developing Web Applications with Python by Miguel Grinberg
Flask Web Development: Developing Web Applications with Python by Miguel Grinberg
Fluent Python: Clear, Concise, and Effective Programming by Luciano Ramalho
Fluent Python: Clear, Concise, and Effective Programming by Luciano Ramalho
Fluent Python: Clear, Concise, and Effective Programming by Luciano Ramalho
Fluent Python: Clear, Concise, and Effective Programming by Luciano Ramalho
Picking a Python Version: A Manifesto by David Mertz
Picking a Python Version: A Manifesto by David Mertz
Picking a Python Version: A Manifesto by David Mertz
Picking a Python Version: A Manifesto by David Mertz
Python & XML: XML Processing with Python by Christopher A. Jones and Jr Drake Fred L.
Python & XML: XML Processing with Python by Christopher A. Jones and Jr Drake Fred L.
Python & XML: XML Processing with Python by Christopher A. Jones and Jr Drake Fred L.
Python & XML: XML Processing with Python by Christopher A. Jones and Jr Drake Fred L.
Deep Learning for Computer Vision: Expert techniques to train advanced neural networks using TensorFlow and Keras by Rajalingappaa Shanmugamani
Deep Learning for Computer Vision: Expert techniques to train advanced neural networks using TensorFlow and Keras by Rajalingappaa Shanmugamani
Deep Learning for Computer Vision: Expert techniques to train advanced neural networks using TensorFlow and Keras by Rajalingappaa Shanmugamani
Deep Learning for Computer Vision: Expert techniques to train advanced neural networks using TensorFlow and Keras by Rajalingappaa Shanmugamani
Deep Learning with TensorFlow: Explore neural networks and build intelligent systems with Python, 2nd Edition by Giancarlo Zaccone and Md. Rezaul Karim
Deep Learning with TensorFlow: Explore neural networks and build intelligent systems with Python, 2nd Edition by Giancarlo Zaccone and Md. Rezaul Karim
Deep Learning with TensorFlow: Explore neural networks and build intelligent systems with Python, 2nd Edition by Giancarlo Zaccone and Md. Rezaul Karim
Deep Learning with TensorFlow: Explore neural networks and build intelligent systems with Python, 2nd Edition by Giancarlo Zaccone and Md. Rezaul Karim
Deep Reinforcement Learning Hands-On: Apply modern RL methods, with deep Q-networks, value iteration, policy gradients, TRPO, AlphaGo Zero and more by Maxim Lapan
Deep Reinforcement Learning Hands-On: Apply modern RL methods, with deep Q-networks, value iteration, policy gradients, TRPO, AlphaGo Zero and more by Maxim Lapan
Deep Reinforcement Learning Hands-On: Apply modern RL methods, with deep Q-networks, value iteration, policy gradients, TRPO, AlphaGo Zero and more by Maxim Lapan
Deep Reinforcement Learning Hands-On: Apply modern RL methods, with deep Q-networks, value iteration, policy gradients, TRPO, AlphaGo Zero and more by Maxim Lapan
XML Processing with Perl, Python, and PHP by Martin C. Brown
XML Processing with Perl, Python, and PHP by Martin C. Brown
XML Processing with Perl, Python, and PHP by Martin C. Brown
XML Processing with Perl, Python, and PHP by Martin C. Brown
Eclipse разработка приложений на Java, 2013, Тимур Машнин
Eclipse разработка приложений на Java, 2013, Тимур Машнин
Eclipse разработка приложений на Java, 2013, Тимур Машнин
Eclipse разработка приложений на Java, 2013, Тимур Машнин
Разработка веб приложений в ReactJS, Адам Хортон, 2016, Райан Вайс
Разработка веб приложений в ReactJS, Адам Хортон, 2016, Райан Вайс
Разработка веб приложений в ReactJS, Адам Хортон, 2016, Райан Вайс
Разработка веб приложений в ReactJS, Адам Хортон, 2016, Райан Вайс
Web Scraping with Python: Collecting Data from the Modern Web by Ryan Mitchell
Web Scraping with Python: Collecting Data from the Modern Web by Ryan Mitchell
Web Scraping with Python: Collecting Data from the Modern Web by Ryan Mitchell
Web Scraping with Python: Collecting Data from the Modern Web by Ryan Mitchell
Python Tutorial by Guido Van Rossum
Python Tutorial by Guido Van Rossum
Python Tutorial by Guido Van Rossum
Python Tutorial by Guido Van Rossum
Two Scoops of Django 1.11: Best Practices for the Django Web Framework by Daniel Roy Greenfeld and Audrey Roy Greenfeld
Two Scoops of Django 1.11: Best Practices for the Django Web Framework by Daniel Roy Greenfeld and Audrey Roy Greenfeld
Two Scoops of Django 1.11: Best Practices for the Django Web Framework by Daniel Roy Greenfeld and Audrey Roy Greenfeld
Two Scoops of Django 1.11: Best Practices for the Django Web Framework by Daniel Roy Greenfeld and Audrey Roy Greenfeld
Understanding Network Hacks: Attack and Defense with Python by Bastian Ballmann
Understanding Network Hacks: Attack and Defense with Python by Bastian Ballmann
Understanding Network Hacks: Attack and Defense with Python by Bastian Ballmann
Understanding Network Hacks: Attack and Defense with Python by Bastian Ballmann
Violent Python: A Cookbook for Hackers, Forensic Analysts, Penetration Testers and Security Engineers by TJ O'Connor
Violent Python: A Cookbook for Hackers, Forensic Analysts, Penetration Testers and Security Engineers by TJ O'Connor
Violent Python: A Cookbook for Hackers, Forensic Analysts, Penetration Testers and Security Engineers by TJ O'Connor
Violent Python: A Cookbook for Hackers, Forensic Analysts, Penetration Testers and Security Engineers by TJ O'Connor
Программирование на Python для начинающих, 2015, МакГрат Майк
Программирование на Python для начинающих, 2015, МакГрат Майк
Программирование на Python для начинающих, 2015, МакГрат Майк
Программирование на Python для начинающих, 2015, МакГрат Майк